CNN never stops lying or running with false narratives. CNN claims that an archaeological site in Osorno, Chile, where a footprint has been dated at around 15,000 years, is the oldest evidence of man in the Americas.The problem is the headline. “Scientists in Chile have found a 15,000-year-old footprint, the earliest sign of humans’ presence in the Americas”.
Hello CNN! Monte Verde is older by at least 1,500 years and 3,500 years at the calibrated dates. It’s all about them ratings though.
I was actually left dumbfounded that someone in this position could ignore or forget which site is oldest, so I reached out to the archaeologist who discovered the footprint to clarify.
Karen Moreno works over the site in Pilauco, not too far from Monte Verde. Here’s her response in Academia.
Turns out, its the authors running this narrative, slandering the archaeologists. First it was Yuan Ren For Mailonline (see article) who had no response and then Ryan Prior for CNN.
CNN is pretty pathetic to begin, with so no surprise here.
Here’s their article.
Many archaeologists including Karen Moreno and even colleagues of the head honcho over Monte Verde,Tim Dillehay, claim dates much older than what these articles are suggesting. If you wash, rinse and repeat lies, eventually people start to believe it’s true.
The 33,200 date may sound far fetched but it’s possible,however it’s also possible that lightning hit a tree 33,200 years ago as well.
On a final note,Wikipedia screenshots probably isn’t the best choice of imagery and most humans(not all) are dumb.